Sabado, Oktubre 8, 2011

What is Mental Math?

History of aloha:
ALOHA stands for ABACUS Learning of Higher Arithmetic. It was founded by Mr. Loh Mun Sung in 1993. He adapted and developed the method from China and Taiwan for the purpose of introducing it to the children of Malaysia. Today, ALOHA has over 3000 centers in countries such as India, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, China, Australia, New Zealand, Oman, UAE and USA.

The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is an after school program designed and structured by a panel of experts from the field of Mathematics. The program is imparted by certified and qualified teachers who aim to provide a fun filled and interactive learning environment.

ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is accredited by the Malaysia Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association and the Abacus Association of Zhenjiang Province, China.
The Concept

Before we start to explain the concept we would just like to ask you a few questions in arithmetic.
Can you tell us what: - 4325 X 235 =? Or. 7354 / 2345 =?

You might reach out for a paper, pen or calculator.
The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program teaches children to calculate this huge sum within seconds, and more importantly, without using any calculating device.
This is a whole Brain Development Program that is taught with the help of a mathematical tool called ABACUS.

Is whole brain development Possible?

Majority of people in the world use only the left side of the brain for their everyday activities including regular school academics. The right side remains unutilized, hence it is under developed. It has also been found that in our entire lifetime, we use only 2 – 3% of our brain power. This leads us to the question, is right side brain development possible? Yes, and this is where ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program plays a pivotal role.

Through various researches it has been found the period of rapid brain development is between the age of 4 and 12 years. After the age of 12, there is a mere 10% chance of further brain development. By the age of 16 to 20, the brain matures out and takes a definite shape and pattern that is difficult to change. The appropriate age for a children learning mental math is between 5-12 years and our program is designed and structured for children between this specific age limit.
We all know that the more we use our organs, the better it responds, which leads to higher performance efficiency of that organ.

For example:

If you start to exercise in a gym, you would need to increase the weights slowly day by day. And a time would come when you would be able lift weight more than what you expected.

This shows that be it any part of our body, a proper exercise will increase its efficiency. Now coming back to our focus on the brain, how do we exercise our brain?

Time and again it has been proved that Mathematics is a good medium of exercising our brain. Scientists and research teams have proven that mental arithmetic of a higher level, for e.g. solving problems like 76382*793, gives a lot of exercise to our brains.

In short, Mental Arithmetic + Cultivation = Brain Development.

The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program helps a child to make the best use of his/ her potential and improves performance of the brain, the child is able to solve complex numbers and calculations with great speed and accuracy.

As the child progresses in the program, he/she will be able to solve any complex arithmetic calculation with exceptional speed and accuracy and without the help of any external devices.
Why Mental Arithmetic?

Mental Arithmetic has been proven to be an age old technique of exercise for total development of brain. This technique has been accepted around the world and is being actively used over 30 countries around the globe.
Mental Arithmetic not only helps in brain development but also improves visualization and listening skills in children. As a result, there is complete coordination of the brain - vision and hearing.
This way the aptitude power of the child improves tremendously as the brain is put to constant exercise through mental math, just like the body gets exercise in a gym with the help of the exercise equipment. Hence, Mental Arithmetic is a proven tool for whole Brain Development.

What is an ABACUS?

ABACUS is a tool invented by the Salamis, labeled by Mesopotamians, improved as a mathematical tool by Greek scholar Tetramachus, and used in China for more than 900 years as a Mathematical tool. ABACUS is termed as the Father of computer.

ABACUS is being used in our curriculum for learning the basics of mental arithmetic and to increase the co-ordination and development of the right and left brain.

What is ALOHA’s Contribution?

ALOHA teaching methodology is based on mental arithmetic using the abacus. Initially, we train the children in arithmetic with the use of an abacus and the training advances to help the child perform calculations in his mind without the abacus.
This training will enhance a child's ability to visualize, focus and calculate without the aid of calculator, abacus, or pen and paper. The child will be able to calculate with speed and accuracy using his own focusing power and can even surpass the speed of a calculator. The finely structured syllabus prepared by ALOHA curriculum development department helps the children to learn mind math quickly and effortlessly.

A few of the positive benefits of undergoing the program are:

Greater concentration
Improved reading writing and learning skills
Keen Listening skills
Better Memory
Better reflexes
Sharper observation
Better application skills
Self - confidence
Improved analytical skills
Better expression
Better creative and imaginative skills
Better comprehension and calculation skills

The above abilities rely entirely on one’s mental processing skills. The program aims at stimulating the children’s right and left side of the brain, making the whole thinking process more efficient and effective to produce complete and confident personalities. In short, ALOHA is a brain gymnasium for the young and growing minds.

Won’t this create a burden on the child?

No, there is definitely no burden on the child undergoing training in ALOHA. In fact the child gets better with regular school homework as her brain gets sharpened with the constant practice of mental math. ALOHA is not like any other educational tutoring institute but is a complete brain development center in an interactive classroom atmosphere.

The meticulously structured syllabus and the excellent teaching staff for the weekly classes make the program more fun filled and the child looks forward to each class.

In the beginning the child is taught how to use an ABACUS – a beaded mathematical instrument used for the purpose of calculation. Later, the child becomes independent of the Abacus and performs the calculations in the mind.

MATH on Advance Learning On Higher Arithmetic ( ALOHA )
Aloha is a learning center which teaches the students how to solve Math problems  easier. ALOHA Mental Arithmetic Program works in Eight Levels and every level lasts for 12 sessions of 2 hours each. This program is designed for children ages 7 through 12. Children aged 7 may be allowed to enroll after passing a trial session as a test to determine their maturity for this Program. Students take up an assessment at the end of each level. In such session, a new idea is taught using finger theory which is applied to Abacus and mental theory.
Level 1

Students are trained to perform additions and subtractions of a series of numbers using Abacus. Towards the end of this level, students are trained to calculate without the aid of the abacus. By the end of this level, students will be able to learn the multiplication table.

Following are sample questions that the Students will be able to solve in their mind at the end of this level.
    1.  78 - 53 - 5 + 3 =
    2. 79 – 56 + 21 – 42 =
Level 2

Students are trained in ABACUS and Mental theory.  They will complete all combinations of additions and subtractions. They are trained in two digits multiplications. By the end of this level, students will be able to do additions and subtractions 5 to 8 rows of two digit numbers in Mind.
Following are sample questions that students will be able to solve at the end of this level:

Using Abacus
In Mind

a. 71*8 =

b. 93*9 =

a. 73 – 9 – 16 - 19 + 15 + 7 =

b. 67 + 18 – 56 + 15 – 3 + 9 =

Level 3

Multiplication is further reinforced to involve bigger numbers. Students are trained to do visualization of multiplication in mind. By the end of this level, students will be able to multiply 2 digits multiplication in mind.

Following are sample questions Students will be able to solve at the end of this level:

Using Abacus
In Mind

a. 778 + 221 – 691 + 309 – 500 =

b. 644* 8 =

c. 582* 4 =

a. 73 – 9 – 16 - 19 + 15 + 7 =

b. 67 + 18 – 56 + 15 – 3 + 9 =

Level 4

More attention is focused on complex and challenging mathematical numbers. Two to Four digit Division is introduced using abacus. By the end of this level, students will be able to multiply 3 to 4 digits in mind.

Following are sample questions Students will be able to solve at the end of this level.

Using Abacus
In Mind

a. 546 /6 =

b. 6408 / 9 =

a. 768* 6 =

b. 927* 7 =

c. 3356* 8 =

Level 5 – 8

Students exercise on more complicated and larger numbers by using abacus. They are trained to do calculations faster using the mental theory.

Following are sample questions Students will be able to solve at the end of this level:

In Mind

a. 914* 325 =

b. (455*156) /78 =

c.    √196 % √49 =

How much time would your child take to multiply?
9999988899 X 9999998889
Description: Clock
5 Minutes…?
10 Minutes...?
Would you like your child to multiply with in 30 seconds with out any aid?
Then the answer is Speed Maths
As the name suggests, speed is the essence of this program. ALOHA SPEED MATHS not only helps children in their childhood to perform, but this tool comes handy when they have to face this competitive world. It would help them in any competitive examination to score high marks and come out with flying colours.
Would you like to make mathematics more interesting and fun for your child?
  • By making child perform some impossible calculations at Lightning speed
  • By making mathematics, literally a child's play and help students enjoy mathematics
  • By right mix for fun memory techniques, memory recall, application of formulae makes your child a super performer
ALOHA SPEED MATHS can be applied in the following areas
Arithmetic computations, theory of numbers, compound multiplication, algebraic operations, factorizations, simple quadratic and higher order equations, simultaneous equations, partial fractions, calculus, squares, cubes, square root, cube root etc
Benefits of the program 
  • Square roots, multiplication, division, solution to equations and much tougher calculations can be arrived at without using a tool
  • The simplicity of this program is that calculations are carried out mentally
  • The development of creativity by means of SPEED MATHS at a young age is helpful towards understanding advanced concepts
  • SPEED MATHS technique can be applied even for numbers beyond 10 digits
  • SPEED MATHS will be beneficial throughout lifetime
  • Saves time during Examination
  • It is easy to check all text book problems
  • Cent percent results with high scoring can be possible through this method
  • While cross checking answers, SPEED MATHS can be used as alternate method to travel and rectify mistakes
Feature of the program
  • A child can calculate 10 times faster than usual mathematical methods
  • When adding there is no excess carry over method and while subtracting there is no borrowing method as in regular mathematics
  • In multiplication only one step to arrive at the right answer
  • While squaring no need to multiply again, for square root, no need to follow the trial and error method
  • Calculation in this method runs from left to right to improve relative memory as against the normal calculation, which is from right to left
  • SPEED MATHS is a zero error technique
  • Due to relative memory technique, there is no room for errors on calculation
  • Due to the short and simple procedures, rechecking is very easy
  • Calculations are done mentally
  • Short procedures applied for calculation, makes the child to get more interest in the subject
  • It increases the confidence of your child not only in performing calculations, but also increases speed and accuracy in other activities as well
  • These techniques will help the child to master mathematics. At the end of the course they can perform 10 digit calculations very fast

Empowering students to excel
The Concept:
In today’s world there are only two things that matter most- speed and success!
In the prevailing competitive environment, students need special skills that equip them not only to survive, but also succeed. There are scientifically proven techniques that can cultivate abilities that have the power of changing the way students think, understand and act. In other words, these methodologies can bring about a total transformation in their personality and help them to be better than the best in everything they do.
This is what exactly Aloha’s 
Power Plus does!
Based on a mind-blowing concept that achieves incredible results by optimum use of brain, it unfolds infinite possibilities that one can discover through rigorous training and coordination of mind and senses. It makes the very process of learning a joy in itself by developing a unique set of skills that helps students to attain excellence not only in academics but also in all spheres.
Power Plus: the Program
ALOHA Power Plus is a comprehensive training program specially designed for students in the 10-18 age group that brings about a marked improvement in their learning skills, memory and handwriting. It teaches them to speed-read volumes of material in a remarkably short time, comprehend and retain every word of it. It trains the students’ mind to focus on group of words instead of individual words so that they can rapidly and continuously read on without backtracking. With Power Plus, the faster one reads the better he comprehends!
It introduces them to a very useful technique called Mind Mapping (by Tony Buzan, a reputed psychologist) tested and tried successfully in all developed countries across the world. By simply practicing this methodology, one can develop a very special skill of using the mind as a virtual note-pad for jotting down one’s thoughts and organize them effectively, creatively and constructively.
Power Plus also presents an interesting time management principle, that trains students to use time in an intelligent and productive manner. It actually creates time for them to plan their activities and progress in life.
Through a well-structured course, Power Plus imparts proven techniques to students to improve their handwriting. With their handwriting made strikingly legible, they score more marks in exams.
In short, Power plus provides an integrated methodology, that prepares them to face competitive pressures with more confidence and propels them towards success.
Power Plus: benefits at a glance
  • A global concept customized for Indian conditions and needs
  • Based on scientifically proven techniques
  • Designed by eminent psychologists
  • Tested and tried all over the world
  • Interesting teaching methods
  • Makes learning easy and fast
  • Improves concentration and comprehension

Memory Improvement
    1. What is memory?
    2. Why we forget?
    3. What are the essential features of having good memory?
    4. Benefits of having good memory
    5. Techniques for better memory
    6. Techniques for better concentration
    7. Food habits in memory improvement
  1. Memory systems
    1. Memory magic
    2. Peg system
    3. Link system
    4. Number rhyme system
    5. Number shape system
    6. Roman room system etc.
  2. Using both the sides of brain
  3. Handwriting
    Techniques for achieving beautiful handwriting, which helps to score more marks in exams. Special training to maintain legibility even at higher speeds.
  4. Time Management
    1. How to use time effectively in classroom
    2. How to overcome examination fear
    3. How to evolve study plan
  5. Learning methods
    1. Selecting the study environment
    2. Study Methods
    3. Preparation for exams
    4. Techniques at the examination hall
    5. Communication skills
  6. Career Planning
    1. Career options
    2. Goal setting
    3. How to face an interview etc.
  7. Speed Reading techniques
  8. Mind Mapping




BY: Roan Magana and Megan Lim CFAD-3IND1

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