Lunes, Oktubre 10, 2011

various programs offered by ALOHA and some tips to improve memory and brain function

Speed Maths

How much time would your child take to multiply?
9999988899 X 9999998889
5 Minutes…?
10 Minutes...?
Would you like your child to multiply with in 30 seconds with out any aid?
Then the answer is Speed Maths
As the name suggests, speed is the essence of this program. ALOHA SPEED MATHS not only helps children in their childhood to perform, but this tool comes handy when they have to face this competitive world. It would help them in any competitive examination to score high marks and come out with flying colours.
Would you like to make mathematics more interesting and fun for your child?
  • By making child perform some impossible calculations at Lightning speed
  • By making mathematics, literally a child's play and help students enjoy mathematics
  • By right mix for fun memory techniques, memory recall, application of formulae makes your child a super performer
ALOHA SPEED MATHS can be applied in the following areas
Arithmetic computations, theory of numbers, compound multiplication, algebraic operations, factorizations, simple quadratic and higher order equations, simultaneous equations, partial fractions, calculus, squares, cubes, square root, cube root etc

Benefits of the program 
  • Square roots, multiplication, division, solution to equations and much tougher calculations can be arrived at without using a tool
  • The simplicity of this program is that calculations are carried out mentally
  • The development of creativity by means of SPEED MATHS at a young age is helpful towards understanding advanced concepts
  • SPEED MATHS technique can be applied even for numbers beyond 10 digits
  • SPEED MATHS will be beneficial throughout lifetime
  • Saves time during Examination
  • It is easy to check all text book problems
  • Cent percent results with high scoring can be possible through this method
  • While cross checking answers, SPEED MATHS can be used as alternate method to travel and rectify mistakes

Feature of the program
  • A child can calculate 10 times faster than usual mathematical methods
  • When adding there is no excess carry over method and while subtracting there is no borrowing method as in regular mathematics
  • In multiplication only one step to arrive at the right answer
  • While squaring no need to multiply again, for square root, no need to follow the trial and error method
  • Calculation in this method runs from left to right to improve relative memory as against the normal calculation, which is from right to left
  • SPEED MATHS is a zero error technique
  • Due to relative memory technique, there is no room for errors on calculation
  • Due to the short and simple procedures, rechecking is very easy
  • Calculations are done mentally
  • Short procedures applied for calculation, makes the child to get more interest in the subject
  • It increases the confidence of your child not only in performing calculations, but also increases speed and accuracy in other activities as well
  • These techniques will help the child to master mathematics. At the end of the course they can perform 10 digit calculations very fast

Course Details
Course Details
Children of the age group 12 - 15 are eligible to join our course. The ALOHA Speed Maths course is divided into 6 levels. Each level lasts for 3 months during which the children will have to attend 12 sessions. Teaching sessions are conducted once in a week for 2 hours. The course will be completed in 18 months.

After successful completion of the assessment at every level, the child goes to the next level. Performance evaluation is carried out at the end of each level. Certificates are given after successful completion of EVERY LEVEL.
Special Course
Special Course
A special course has been exclusively designed for students appearing for competitive exams. The course will cover topics which will help the students to do the calculations very fast and accurate. The course will help the students to do calculations mentally.
Course Details
Course Details
Children of the age group 15 - 17 are eligible to join our special course. The ALOHA Special Course is divided into 2 levels. Each level lasts for 3 months during which the children will have to attend 12 sessions. Teaching sessions are conducted once in a week for 2 hours. The course will be completed in 6 months.

After successful completion of the assessment at every level, the child goes to the next level. Performance evaluation is carried out at the end of each level. Certificates are given after successful completion of EVERY LEVEL 
Aloha programs:
Tiny Tots Head
- Junior Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Program

Nothing succeeds like success.
To achieve success, your kids need special skills and they need to start early. They have to learn rapidly and happily so that they are winners at every stage of their development.
And this is where 'Aloha Tiny Tots' comes in. An integrated program developed specially for kids in the 4 to 6 age span, Tiny Tots is backed by a sound concept that is proved to be successful in various countries worldwide.
Tiny tots moulds and motivates tender minds by developing a framework to impart effective learning techniques and to initiate them into the exciting world of numbers and letters. It uses abacus principles to teach the fundamentals of the numeric system. Using images and stylised texts, it kindles the curiosity of children and makes the learning process a thrilling experience for them. It equips them to synchronize their mental abilities with what they see and hear and achieve a very sharp memory. Interestingly, the children comprehend what they learn and develop with amazing abilities to retain and recall at will without their little minds ever being burdened. Well, as a concept, Aloha Tiny tots holds an immense appeal to parents, students, educational institutions, entrepreneurs and educationalists.
Its principle and commercial value have been appreciated by Sakuntala Devi, the eminent Mathematical genius who is a successful Aloha Franchisee in Bangalore today.
Aloha Tiny Tots: Benefits at a glance
An ideal learning tool for Kindergarden children to identify texts & numbers and handle simple arithmetic calculations.
  • Enriches their brainpower by using it in their early years.
  • Imparts high moral values to kids through stories and colourfully illustrated texts.
  • Uses a specially designed abacus for easy use.
  • Uses enough teaching tools and accessories to make classroom sessions most lively.
  • Develops ability to handle multiple-digits with confidence using the abacus or the regular school method.
  • Creates a natural liking for arithmetic in kids.
  • Improves concentration skills for a more focused learning.
  • Kindles creative thinking and ability to use the left and right side of brain.
  • Based on a global concept but tailor-made for Indian kids.
  • Provides option of learning at regular school as a part of school curriculum.
  • Course material and teaching accessories developed by Aloha research team.
  • Provision for providing training to school teachers on concept, teaching methods and principles of child psychology.
  • Well Trained Teachers.
  • Small Batches for individual attention.
Course structure
  • Course consists of 10 levels, each with a 3- month duration
  • 1 class per week of 2 hours duration each
  • Performance evaluation is carried out at the end of each level.
    Certificates are given after successful completion of
    • 2nd level as BASICS IN TINY TOTS
    • 4th level as GRADUATES IN TINY TOTS
    • 7th level as MASTERS IN TINY TOTS
    • 10th level as GRAND MASTERS IN TINY TOTS

English Smart head

In today’s world everyone recognizes the need for good communicative power in the English Language, which has become the lingua franca of the business and social world. Language for communication and interaction is the ability to use the right words in appropriate language in a given situation. This means being exposed to various significant life situations and learning to communicate effectively in that context.
English Smart has been specially designed by Dr.VASANTHI VASUDEV to develop confidence in both oral and written communication in various life related situations like
  • Speaking about oneself
  • Communicating with friends
  • Traveling, going to a bank
  • Attending an interview
  • Attending a party, etc.
Specifically speaking, English Smart uses life related fun based situations to develop :
  • Fluency and confidence in oral communication
  • Versatility in written communication
  • Comfort in contextual vocabulary
  • Creativity in writing
  • Application of English Language skills to develop the intelligence's
The program uses real life situations, pictures, reading comprehension's, writing exercises and listening comprehension's, so that the child is able to speak and think in English fluently and effortlessly. The course has been designed using successful teaching methodologies, practiced globally, to teach foreign languages to children.
ALOHA English Smart Program consists of 4 stages. They represent the child’s progress in the use of English Language skills from ‘Self’ to world.
Stage 1 - Personalization
‘Me, Myself & I’
This stage aims at developing English skills for dealing with situations related to the self. Here Children are made to describe things that pertain to them- such as their hobbies, their ambitions, goals, a day of their life in home or school or so on.
Stage 2 - Socialization
‘My immediate society’
This stage aims at developing communication skills for dealing with situations related to the child’s immediate society. Here children are asked to communicate about their family, their friends, their neighborhood, school, city and so on.
Stage 3 - Globalization
‘My World at large’
This stage aims at developing the child’s English skills to understand and engage meaningfully with the world at large. In this stage, children are given exercises that stimulate them to communicate about their country, social drawbacks and so on.
Stage 4 - Intellectualization
‘Ideas, Feelings, Thoughts’
The final stage of the program empowers the child to deal with the abstract world of ideas, feelings and thought.
ALOHA English Smart benefits:
Situation Smart
Being exposed to the use of English language in meaningful situations.
Being able to respond to and contribute to interactions in English language in simple and important day to day situations.
Word Smart
Being able to understand the meaning of words, generally used in life situations and to be able to use them intelligently in oral and written communication.
Learning suitable vocabulary to deal with different life situations.
Speech Smart
Being able to express ideas and thoughts, that are needed to deal with various life situations with confidence, speed and fluency.
To speak with confidence.
Write Smart
Being able to write effectively and clearly, to communicate essential information in practical situations.
Being able to express himself/herself accurately, to avoid communication gaps.
Being able to use the English language for practical written communication - Creative Smart.
Being able to use the English language, to express various thoughts and emotions with comfort and style and being sensitive to the aesthetic use of the language. Being able to think creatively, using the power of English.
Proficiency in English will result in improved mastery over the academic curriculum and therefore, naturally in improved academic performance.
Course Information
The program spans for 2 academic years with 4 stages, each lasting for about 5 months. Each month has working sessions of 6 hours, that is one and half hours to working sessions per week.
The English Smart program is open to children with basic English knowledge, from the age group of 6 - 14.
About the creator of the course
Dr Vasanthi Vasudev has a multi-dimensional experience of over 20 years in the field of Teaching, Educational Management/Principal ship and Training to which, she combines her unique skills in Quality Consulting and Technology based learning.
After a stint as college lecturer, she moved into educational management. She worked as a Principal of a reputed CBSE school in Chennai for 7 years and led the school to rapid growth and popularity. In 1998,Vasanthi received the Best Principal CBSE Schools award -conferred by the Wisdom International, Chennai.
Vasanthi is also a Registered QMS Auditor. Along with her team members has been working as a Quality Consultant with educational institutions, to develop Quality Management Systems and to prepare them for ISO 9001-2000 Certification.
Vasanthi also combines her pedagogic expertise with hands on work, in the field of technology-based learning.
Vasanthi is a Learning specialist. She has been involved in numerous action research projects, concerning innovative teaching and evaluation styles, that focus on the learner and on whole brain development. Her area of Action Research has been on Brain Based Learning and she has developed many new - generation products for optimizing brain potential for children and adults.
The experience garnered over years of interacting with students, combined with an understanding of curricular subjects, helped to develop a counseling model, based on brain based learning preferences and she uses this model to help students to arrive at career options.
Vasanthi is now an independent consultant to IL&FS ETS and she also develops and implements program on their behalf. In addition to this, she shares her knowledge and experience with other leading educational institutions, in her capacity as a consultant.
She has developed and has successfully implemented programs in Lawrence School, Lovedale, Good Shepherd International School, Ooty, Vidya Mandir Mylapore, Chennai, India International School & India International Institute of Management Jaipur, Annamalai University and many others.

9 Smart head
- Multiple Intelligence Program

To score high on all 9 intelligence's in your child.
A Genius
Geniuses are people who see opportunities in 'no win' situations. Geniuses are people who can make a world of connections between two seemingly unrelated pieces of information. Assuming that all human beings are born with more or less similar mental capabilities, how is it that only a few of us are considered geniuses? and some of us are considered as poor performers?
The Human Brain
Our brain consists of two hemispheres - the left and the right, each with their individual set of attributes. For instance, the ability to form words lie primarily in the left hemisphere, whereas the right hemisphere controls many abstract reasoning skills.
These two hemispheres communicate by connections between neurons. All sensations, thoughts, movements, memories, and feelings are a result of signals that pass through these neurons. It is the interconnections between these neurons that determine the intelligence of a child. The brain of a genius shows more interconnections between neurons.
These connections between neurons can be developed using stimulating thinking exercises. 9 SMART is a program that has been designed, to exercise the brains of young children to ensure, an increase in the number of connections between the neurons. Once neurons initiate these new connections - there is no limit to which the brain can tap the various intelligence's.
Multiple Intelligence's Theory
In the early 1980's, Howard Gardner - a professor at the Harvard University and author of many books and articles came up with the theory of multiple intelligence's. Through his studies - nine different types of intelligence's were identified in children. They are:
  • Verbal / Linguistic Intelligence
    The ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. A famous word smart person is Agatha Christie.
  • Logical / Mathematical Intelligence
    The ability to recognize patterns, work with abstract symbols, calculate, quantify, use scientific thinking for reasoning. A famous number smart person is Archimedes.
  • Intra Personal Intelligence
    The ability to construct an accurate perception of oneself. A famous example is Columbus.
  • Interpersonal Intelligence
    The ability to work co-operatively with others. To communicate verbally, non-verbally. To notice contrasts in moods, motivations and intentions. Some famous people for their interpersonal intelligence are Mahatma Gandhi and Oprah Winfrey.
  • Visual Spatial Intelligence
    The ability to visualize objects from different perspectives and angles. A famous picture smart person is Picasso.
  • Kinesthetic Intelligence
    The ability to use the body to express emotion (dance and body language), play (sports), manipulate objects (crafts) or create a new product (invention). Some famous body smart people are Michael Jordan and Rukmini Devi Arundale.
  • Musical Intelligence
    The ability to recognize and use rhythmic and tonal patterns, be sensitive to sounds from the environment, the human voice and musical instruments. Be sensitive to melody, pitch, melody and tone. Some musically intelligent people are Mozart and Beethoven.
  • Natural Intelligence
    The ability to recognize and classify species, grow plants or tame animals. Some renowned examples of naturally intelligent people are Jane Good all and Medha Patkar.
  • Existential Intelligence
    The ability to think and question about life, death and ultimate holistic realities. An example is Socrates.
About 9 SMART
The 9 SMART is a brain development program, that has been scientifically designed by Dr. VASANTHI VASUDEV, to hone and nurture the nine intelligence's present in our children. By using fun based real life situations, children between the ages of 6 - 14 solve 9 types of mental puzzles to develop and connect the nine intelligence's. These exercises help stimulate the neuron connections, thereby leading to a new thinking processes for our children.
The program concentrates primarily on, opening up of the minds of children at an early age, thereby opening up new magical horizons, that help them to think fluently and appropriately.
Benefits of 9 SMART
Development of the nine intelligence's will result in whole brain development and in the unleashing of creative potential, which makes ordinary humans a great genius!
Specifically speaking, 9 Smart will result in improvement in the following skills:
  • Memory power
  • Problem solving ability
  • Creative thinking- fluency, flexibility, accuracy and appropriateness of thinking.
  • Mind expansion
  • Development of higher order mental capacities like analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
  • Development of the above skills will benefit students in their academics by improving their:
  • Reading Skills
  • Math Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Spelling Skills
  • Speed Reading
  • Study Skills
  • Self- awareness Skills
  • Planning and goal setting Abilities
All of the above will naturally lead to
  • High Academic Performance
  • All Round Personality Development of the student - even at the early years.
Course Information
9Smart is a 20-month program, spanning for two academic years and it has been specially created for four age groups:

Level 1
6-7 Years
Level 2
8-10 Years
Level 3
11-12 Years
Level 4
13-14 Years

The program runs for one and a half hours every week. One course book will be completed in 4 weeks. Follow up exercises will be given upon the completion of each book. The two Year course will have four cycles.
Testing and evaluation will be conducted at the end of each cycle.
After successful completion of one level, the child goes to the next level. Certificates are issued on successful completion of EVERY LEVEL.
About the creator of the course
Dr Vasanthi Vasudev has a multi-dimensional experience of over 20 years in the field of Teaching, Educational Management/Principal ship and Training to which she combines her unique skills in Quality Consulting and Technology based learning.
After a stint as college lecturer, she moved into educational management. She worked as a Principal of a reputed CBSE school in Chennai for 7 years and led the school to rapid growth and popularity. In 1998,Vasanthi received the Best Principal CBSE Schools award -conferred by the Wisdom International, Chennai.
Vasanthi is also a Registered QMS Auditor. Along with her team members has been working as a Quality Consultant with educational institutions, to develop Quality Management Systems and to prepare them for ISO 9001-2000 Certification.
Vasanthi also combines her pedagogic expertise with hands on work in the field of technology-based learning.
Vasanthi is a Learning specialist. She has been involved in numerous action research projects concerning innovative teaching and evaluation styles that focus on the learner and on whole brain development. Her area of Action Research has been on Brain Based Learning and she has developed many new - generation products for optimizing brain potential for children and adults.
The experience garnered over years of interacting with students, combined with an understanding of curricular subjects helped to develop a counseling model based on brain based learning preferences and she uses this model to help students to arrive at career options.
Vasanthi is now an independent consultant to IL&FS ETS and she also develops and implements program on their behalf. In addition to this, she shares her knowledge and experience with other leading educational institutions, in her capacity as a consultant.
She has developed and has successfully implemented program in Lawrence School, Lovedale, Good Shepherd International School, Ooty, Vidya Mandir Mylapore, Chennai, India International School & India International Institute of Management Jaipur, Annamalai University and many others.

- Memory Techniques

Other tips on improving memory and capacity of brain to think:
We all know by now that a mind that is exercised stays healthy, the food we intake also plays a vital role in maintaining our brain healthy and thus lets us use it more efficiently and will be overall better for being healthy.
What to Eat to Improve Bad Memory
By Melvin Richardson, eHow Contributor

If you have a bad memory, it's a good idea to think about improving your diet. There are a number of foods you can eat that will help improve your memory. You have to stick to a healthier lifestyle, and eat foods that improve your memory. A healthy diet will also help you wipe out health conditions that contribute to a memory loss and age-related symptoms.
1.    Antioxidants
o    If you want to improve your memory, then you need to consume foods that contain large amounts of antioxidants. When antioxidants are in your system, they help more oxygen circulate throughout the body which, in turn, stimulates brain activity. Antioxidants also help the body destroy free radicals, which are responsible for a number of diseases and illnesses. Foods that contain antioxidants are broccoli, red kidney beans, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, red grapes and garlic. Antioxidants help the flow of oxygen to the brain. Foods which contain Vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta carotene are considered to be antioxidants.
Vitamin C
o    There are a number of other foods to help improve your memory. They include asparagus, kale, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe. Other foods that boost memory by improving your blood circulation are cantaloupe, radishes, red cabbage, watermelon and cherries. All these foods have large portions of Vitamin C which keeps your immune system functioning at an optimal level. These foods also help you to stave off depression which contributes to decreased mental capacity and loss of memory.
o    Diabetes is a disease that actually robs your memory. If you want to improve your memory and stop the onset of diabetes, consume large amounts of whole grains, vegetables, nuts and fruits on a regular basis. These foods allow you to get to the root of the problem concerning memory loss. These foods are also rich in fiber which allows them to help you fight diabetes.
o    To improve your memory, you may want to incorporate some fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines into your diet. When you consume fish products, you are taking in polyunsaturated fats and omega-3s, which are important for memory enhancement. A large part of the brain is made up from fats, so the fish oils help improve your mental capacity and memory. Your brain needs these key ingredients to keep functioning at a high level.
Sweet Potatoes
o    Another food that helps to improve memory and brain function is the sweet potato. This food has an abundant supply of Vitamin B6, along with ample amounts of carbohydrates and antioxidants. Your brain needs Vitamin B6 to manufacture neurotransmitters, which allows communication to take place within certain parts of the brain. Carbohydrates are also important to the brain because this is the only source of fuel that the brain will use.

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